
Legal Notice

Terms of Service

Access to and use of this site (hereinafter defined as "Site/") are subject to the following terms and conditions (TOS) and all applicable laws. By viewing this Site, you agree to its terms; if you do not agree to its terms, or if you are not of a legal drinking age according to the laws of your country or state, please stop using the Site immediately. Carlsberg India Private Limited (CIPL) reserves the right to revise these terms and conditions and/or to terminate without notice access to the Sites at any time. You should check the Sites from time to time to check the then current Legal Notice and other additional terms and conditions, because they are binding on you.

By accessing and using the Site you are indicating your acceptance to be bound by these Terms of Use. They are a legal agreement between you and us that can only be amended with our consent. They should be read in conjunction with any details provided on the Site about how the Site operates and the services which are available. You should also read our Privacy Policy.

We reserve the right to change these TOS from time to time without prior notice by changing them on the Site.



CIPL currently provides access to a rich collection of information including, various third party communications tools, online forums, personalized content and branded programming through its network of properties (the "Service"). The Service (or parts of it), may be accessed or made available through or via various mediums or devices including but not limited to the World Wide Web, mobile telephone or communications services (such as SMS (Short Message Service)), and/or other Internet or telecommunications services or protocols (such as WAP (Wireless Application Protocol)) (collectively, the "Channels"). Any new features that augment or enhance the current Service shall be subject to the TOS. You understand and agree that the Service is provided "AS-IS" and that CIPL assumes no responsibility for the timeliness, deletion, miss-delivery or failure to store any user communications or personalization settings.


Accessing the site

We cannot guarantee that the Site will operate continuously or without interruptions or be error free. You must not attempt to interfere with the proper working of the Site and, in particular, you must not attempt to circumvent security, tamper with, hack into, or otherwise disrupt the Site or any computer system, server, router or any other internet connected device.

You are responsible for ensuring that your computer system meets all relevant technical specifications necessary to use the Site and is compatible with the Site. You also understand that we cannot and do not guarantee or warrant that any content of the Site will be free from infection, viruses and/or other code that has contaminating or destructive properties. You are responsible for implementing sufficient procedures and virus checks (including anti-virus and other security checks) to satisfy your particular requirements for the safety and reliability of data input and output.

From time to time, we may restrict access to some features or parts of the Site, or the entire Site.



Where you are asked to complete a registration form the personal details that you provide must be true, accurate and complete. Please inform us of any changes to the information that you provided when registering.

You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account and password. You agree to accept responsibility for all activities that occur under your password.

You should take all necessary steps to ensure that your password is kept confidential and secure and should inform us immediately if you have any reason to believe that your password has become known to anyone else, or if the password is being, or is likely to be, used in an unauthorised manner.

Registration Data and certain other information about you is subject to our Privacy Policy which is incorporated by reference into and made a part of this TOS. By giving or making available the Registration Data and such other information about yourself to us, you agree and acknowledge that we may use or release such information to third parties as specified in the Privacy Policy, and that you give consent to such use or disclosure. For more information, please read our full Privacy Policy. You understand that through your use of the Service you consent to the collection and use (as set forth in the Privacy Policy) of this information, including the transfer of this information to any other countries for storage, processing and use by CIPL and its affiliates.

During use we may automatically collect non-personal information such as IP-addresses from which you access the Site and the browser you use, and you agree that we store some information on your computer (“cookies”), all done to provide the best possible access to and operation by you of the Site. For further information, please visit our Privacy Policy.


Copyright and Trademarks

Unless indicated to the contrary, all materials on the Site including design, text, graphics and photographs are the copyright of Carlsberg India Private Limited or its third-party licensors.

We are the owner/licensee of the trademarks appearing on the Site and all associated trade names, logos and devices unless indicated to the contrary. All other trademarks, logos and names appearing on the Site are the property of their respective owners, as indicated.

You may download, print and copy extracts or materials from the Site for your personal use only and any copied material must include all copyright or other proprietary notices appearing on it. No right, title or interest in any downloaded materials or software is transferred to you by such downloading. You may not make any other use of material on the Site (including reproductions except as above, publications, alteration or distribution) without our prior written permission.


Accuracy of information

We will use reasonable endeavours to ensure that information on the Site is accurate, but commentary, reviews and other material posted on the Site are not intended to amount to advice on which reliance should be placed. We make no representation or warranty that any information is accurate, complete or up-to-date and, to the fullest extent permitted by law, we accept no liability for any loss or damage caused by any reliance placed on such information by you or anyone to whom you communicate such information.

Content that is considered obscene under Indian law is strictly forbidden on the Site, and users are prohibited from posting any material of an obscene nature. CIPL endeavours to promptly remove obscene content posted by users in violation of the TOS, users may sometimes come across user-posted obscene content that we have not yet discovered.

If you find any inaccurate information and/or obscene content on the Site please contact us and we will endeavour to correct it, where we agree, as soon as reasonably practicable.



Any opinions or reviews posted on the Site are the responsibility of their authors and are in no way an expression of the views of Carlsberg India Private Limited. We make no warranties or representations, express or implied, about any such opinions or reviews, including as to their legality or accuracy, and we disclaim all liability in connection with them to the fullest extent permitted by law.

With respect to Content you submit or make available for inclusion on publicly accessible areas of Site, CIPL shall have the license to use, distribute, reproduce, modify, adapt, publicly perform and publicly display such Content on the Service solely for the purposes of providing and promoting the Site. You agree that such content submitted by you shall not infringe any patent, trademark, copyright or other proprietary right of other third parties.



Any competition conducted or promoted on the Site shall be governed by the terms and conditions specific to such competition.


Links to this and other websites

We may from time to time provide links that will enable you to access the websites of third parties directly from the Site. Such third-party sites are not under our control and, unless otherwise stated, no contribution is made by us to the content of such websites. When you click through to these sites you leave the area controlled by us, so we cannot, therefore, accept responsibility for any issues arising in connection with either the third parties' use of your data, the sites’ content, or the products or services offered to you by these sites.

We reserve the right, at our discretion, to prohibit any link from another internet site to materials or information on the Site.


Our liability

Although we hope the Site will be of interest to users, we accept no liability and offer no warranties or conditions in relation to the Site or its content, to the fullest extent such liability can be excluded by law.



You agree to indemnify and hold CIPL, and our licensors, suppliers, vendors, parent, subsidiaries and related companies, affiliates, officers, agents, co-branders or other partners, and employees, harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable legal fees, made by any third party due to or arising out of Content you submit, post to or transmit or make available through the Service, your use of the Service, your connection to the Service, your use of any Channels, your violation of the TOS, or your violation of any rights of any other person, or your breach of any applicable law.



CIPL reserves the right at any time and from time to time to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the website or any Services (or any part thereof) being provided with or without notice, for any reason whatsoever, whether generally or limited to you only. You agree that CIPL shall not be liable in any way to you or to any third party for any modification, suspension or discontinuance of the website and/or any service wholly or partially.



You agree that CIPL, in its sole discretion, may terminate your password, account (or any part thereof) or use of the website/ Service, and remove and discard any Content within the website/Service, for any reason, including, without limitation, for lack of use or if CIPL, in its sole opinion, believes that you have violated or acted inconsistently with the letter or spirit of the TOS or that you are a repeat infringer of intellectual property rights. CIPL may also in its sole discretion and at any time discontinue providing the Service, or any part thereof, with or without notice, whether for selected or all Channels. You agree that any termination of your access to the Service under any provision of this TOS may be effected without prior notice, and acknowledge and agree that CIPL may immediately deactivate or delete your account and all related information and files in your account and/or bar any further access to such files or the Service. Further, you agree that CIPL shall not be liable to you or any third-party for any termination of your access to the Service.



Any formal legal notices should be sent to us at our registered office.

Failure by us to enforce a right does not result in waiver of such right. You may not assign or transfer your rights under these TOS.

The TOS and the relationship between you and CIPL shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of India without regard to its conflict of law provisions. You and CIPL agree to submit to the personal and exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located at Delhi, India.


Contact us

If you experience problems with the Site or would like to comment on it, please feel free to Contact Us at



These TOS were last updated in November 2011.